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Support the Pope’s Call for a Ceasefire in the Russia-Ukraine War

The world urgently needs a ceasefire and diplomacy in Ukraine before thousands more are killed and the war widens to include a direct war between the United States and Russia. Alongside the Peace in Ukraine Coalition, CODEPINK is asking you to sign this statement in support of Pope Francis and other religious leaders' vigorous diplomatic efforts to end the war in UkraineTogether, we can build the movement needed to end the war in Ukraine.



As people of conscience, committed to peace and reconciliation, we join in Pope Francis’ message to "appeal to those in authority over nations to make concrete efforts to end the conflict, to reach a ceasefire and to start peace negotiations.” 

We ask religious leaders to endorse the Pope's message by delivering sermons on the urgency of a ceasefire and a diplomatic solution.

The war in Ukraine has left hundreds of thousands dead or wounded, uprooted millions, contaminated land, air and war and worsened the climate crisis.

The longer the war drags on, the greater the danger of spiraling escalation, which can lead to a wider war, environmental devastation and nuclear annihilation.

Again, we urge you to uplift the Pope’s ceasefire message with your religious congregation. The fate of the world rests on all of our shoulders.


SimonMary Asese Aihiokhai, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, University of Portland; Zainab Al-Suwaij, American Islamic Congress, Co-founder and Executive Director; Dr. Ansel Augustine, Dir., Office of Black Catholic Ministries of the Archdiocese of New Orleans; Joyce Ajlouny, General Secretary, AFSC; John Bach, Quaker Chaplain; Michael Baxter, Director of Catholic Studies, Regis University; Bridget Bearss, RSCJ, Leadership Conference of Women Religious;Father Robert Bossie; Dr. Tarunjit Singh Butalia, Executive Director, Religions for Peace USA; Kenneth Butigan, Professor of Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studies, DePaul University; Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon, Exec. Dir., Churches for a Middle East Peace; Tom Carder, Pax Christi, USA Ambassador of Peace; Br. Kevin Cawley, Deignan Institute for Earth and Spirit at Iona University; Shane Claiborne, Co-Founder of Red Letter Christians;  Sarah Clarke, Director & UN Representative, Quaker United Nations Office, New York; Edward Paul Cohen, Rabbi Emeritus; Father John Dear, Nobel Peace Prize nominee by Archbishop Desmond Tutu; Marie Dennis, Senior Advisor, Pax Christi International; Michele Dunne OFS, Executive Director, Franciscan Action Network; Clare Schaeffer-Duffy, Catholic Worker House, Worcester, MA; Father John Lewis Eagle; Jodie Evans, Minister, Host of Spiritual Circles; Ariel Gold, Executive Director, Fellowship of Reconciliation; Sister Frances Katherine Homes; Teresa R. Hougnon, President, Maryknoll Sisters; Pastor Bill Wylie-Kellermann, United Methodist Church; Bridget Moix, General Secretary, Friends Committee on National Legislation; Dan Moriarty, Program Coordinator, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns; Rev. Joseph E. Mulligan, S.J.;Michael Neuroth, Director of the Washington Office, United Church of ChristDavid J O'Brien, Professor Emeritus, College of the Holy Cross;Sister Cynthia Sabathier, CSJ, St. Joseph; Friar Patrick Sieber, Holy Name Province;Bishop John Stowe of Lexington; Minister Jalani Akeem Traxler; Rev. James Allen VanderWeele, Minister Emeritus, Community Church Unitarian Universalist, New Orleans; Rev. Dr. Joseph Varghese (Orthodox), Institute for Religious Freedom and Tolerance, Executive Director; Rabbi Elyse Wechterman, Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association, CEO; Mary T. Yelenick, Main UN-NGO Representative for Pax Christi International; Johnny Zokovitch, Executive Director, Pax Christi, USA

We, the undersigned, are grateful for the Pope’s mission to secure a peaceful resolution to a war that never should have been launched in Ukraine. 


As people of conscience, committed to peace and reconciliation, we join in Pope Francis’ message to "appeal to those in authority over nations to make concrete efforts to end the conflict, to reach a ceasefire and to start peace negotiations.” 

As people of conscience who value human life, we encourage other religious leaders to support the Pope’s call for a ceasefire and diplomatic resolution to the war in Ukraine.  We also ask that these leaders issue a public call among their congregants to also support a ceasefire.

The war in Ukraine has left hundreds of thousands dead or wounded, uprooted millions, contaminated land, air and war and worsened the climate crisis.

The longer the war drags on, the greater the danger of spiraling escalation, which can lead to a wider war, environmental devastation and nuclear annihilation.

Every day this war continues, more lives are lost, more people become refugees, and the closer we risk a wider conflict and even a nuclear confrontation. 

We understand how difficult this peace mission is, but as members of a diverse group of faith communities we are well-versed in the language of miracles. Whether it is Moses parting the Red Sea, Jesus feeding the multitudes, prophet Muhammad (PBOH) sharing the revelations of the Quran or Buddha performing the Miracle at Shravasti, ancient faith traditions draw on works of wonder. The supernatural phenomena in ancient texts inspires us to embrace our convictions that radical devotion to human life can bring miracles, even in the most challenging situations. 

Indeed, as the 86-year-old leader of the world’s smallest country, Pope Francis, models diplomatic efforts urgently needed to end this war before it escalates further. The Pope helped mediate successful prisoner exchanges between Russia and Ukraine. He met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Vatican City to request Zelensky meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Pope appointed Cardinal Matteo Zuppi as a peace envoy, and met with leaders of countries that can influence Russia.

As the Pope said, “Whatever is built on rubble can never be a true victory … "Let us not get used to conflict and violence. Let us not get used to war.”  

Again, we urge you to talk about the Pope’s ceasefire call in your sermons and other communications within your religious congregation. The fate of the world rests on all of our shoulders. 

May the miracle of peace prevail.

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