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L.A. Harbor Peace Week 2018

Save the Date! 3rd Annual L.A. Harbor Peace Walk 2018

All Peace. All Week. August 29-September 3, 2018

A week of activities in San Pedro celebrating the SOLUTIONS of PEACE, in the World & in our Towns. Family needs not Militarism’s greed.

Wednesday August 29 Make Art not War! 

Art Build & Pizza Party 5-7 PM

Machine Art Studio 446 W. 6th St.

Open Mic for Music & Spoken Word

Sacred Grounds Coffee House 468 W 6th St. San Pedro

Thursday August 30  Congressional Calls to help U.S.-created War Refugees at our border

(202) 224-3121

Friday August 31 SPNPJ 785th Peace Vigil

1st/Gaffey 5-6:15PM

*Promote Peace Economy! 

JDC Records 447 W. 6th St. 6:30-9:00PM

Saturday September 1 Kayak and Peace Flotilla 

Candlelight Vigil for World Peace & Disarmament

USS Iowa 6-9 PM

Sunday September 2  War Victims and Veterans Memorial Rally & Picnic @ “Peace Park”

6th & Harbor Blvd. 11-2PM

Monday September 3 Labor Day Peace Flags @ the 5K run



Endorsed by: San Pedro Neighbors for Peace and Justice, Witness for Peace Southwest, Military Families Speak Out, CODEPINK, SoCal 350 Climate Action, Veterans for Peace LA, #BernersAgainstMilitarism, Occupy Torrance/South Bay, MLK Coalition #coldwartruthcommission, Green Party of Los Angeles, Long Beach Progressive Alliance, Maria Estrada for Assembly, Progressive Democrats of America, Long Beach Area Peace Network, KPFK

Contact/Get Involved!: (310) 971-8280 text/[email protected]

Facebook: LA Harbor Peace Week 2018



Can we count you in?