Join CODEPINK as we bring the message of peace to the 2024 Women's March! We cannot let messages of feminism be co-opted by the war economy! We will take to the streets to remind women throughout the country and the world that genocide is not feminist and that all parties are bought off by zionism and the war economy.
How will we show up for peace at the Women's March?
- Plan with other CODEPINKERs to bring our feminist, anti-war messaging to the Women's March in DC and solidarity events happening across the country!
- Make sure Palestine is EVERYWHERE and not forgotten by so called feminists bought out by the war machine. We must be as loud and present for our Palestinian brothers and sisters as we can. Download your own posters here!
- Educate! Our goal is to be steadfast in our values for peace and justice as well as accessible and inviting to folks wanting to learn more about our anti-war goals! Find talking points here!
Feminism looks like an end to the genocide in Gaza, a Free Palestine and reproductive justice for all peoples! Not war! Join us! Take action and find an event near you.