International activists, academics endorse statement condemning crime against Dalits, The Hindu, October 31
“Recuperar nuestros cuerpos” es la estrategia, dice CODEPINK, TeleSUR, October 30
DC Cops Go All-Out as US Imperialist Attacks Abroad Intensify, Sputnik, October 29
Ending Regime Change– in Bolivia and in the World,, October 29
Políticas feministas están fuera de agenda electoral en EE.UU., TeleSUR, October 28
¿Cambiará la política de los Estados Unidos después de las elecciones?, TeleSUR, October 28
Cómo pasó de ser una cosa de hombres a un símbolo femenino: la controvertida historia cultural del color rosa, El País, October 27
Saudi golf tournament 'sportswashing' women’s rights abuses, activists warn, Middle East Eye, October 22, 2020
Grueling, Dueling Town Halls The National Review, October 16, 2020
Delivering Free Smoothies, Activists Blend Nutrition and Social Justice (featuring CODEPINK Peace Economy Activist), KQED, October 14, 2020
CODEPINK’s Co-Founders, Jodie Evans and Medea Benjamin, Stepping Down from Leadership Roles, Baltimore Post Examiner Bill Hughes October 14, 2020
Two years after Jamal Khashoggi’s murder, why is America still an accomplice to Saudi crimes?, Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies, Salon, October 8, 2020
'Outright Genocidal': Even as Iran Reels From Covid-19 Pandemic, Trump to Unveil Punishing New Sanctions, Jake Johnson, Common Dreams, October 8, 2020
International peace movements unite against the New Cold War, Carlos Martinez, Invent the Future, October 1, 2020
How a Strike by Strippers in Portland Has Grown Into a Nationwide Movement Against Racism in Nightclubs, April Short, Pressenza, October 01, 2020