Posted by CODEPINK Staff
Hey, y'all. Just a quick recap of CODEPINK in the news this past week....
Some media made their way outside the presidential debate at Hofstra University in NY and couldn't miss us in the crowd of demonstrators. Essence mag included us in its montage on the debate here, Newsday mentioned us here , a blogger from Huffington Post only recognized our group by name out of all the other groups here ("It was especially fun to walk through the Code Pink crowd and the folks with the creatively grotesque and offensive t-shirts to buy a sandwich"). I enjoyed this story in the Cornell college newspaper here with a photo of us and an interview with Kelly Jacobs: "My 18-year old son just got his drivers' license," she said. "I told him that voting is like driving, D to go forward, R to go back."
Some bailout action again in the press....this photo of Liz and others hassling Lehman Brothers CEO Fuld led a story in the Times Friday about further investigations of Lehman Brothers here. And a Nadar rally at Wall Street Thursday, Lynn Rooks of D.C. was interviewed on Al Jazeera here!
And the Jocelyne Voltaire story!! CNN did a great piece on it (thanks to Linda M. for uploading the clip to YouTube here) and it made the CBS evening news. Democracy Now! really hit the nail on the head by highlighting CODEPINK's work to help Jocelyne here.
And, finally, Medea disrupts a mortgage conference in San Francisco. The local ABC affiliate posted a photo and story on its site here. Woo!