Why are They Afraid of Jakelin?
By Kelly Curry
Right now I am standing at the edge of the sea...where the country known as Mexico begins and the US...Turtle Island...ends.
Jutting out into the wild, bluish grey waters, teeming with dolphins..seals..surfers..
LIFE is a wall...the end of a very long wall, a clumsy interruption to the beauty of open, turbulent, wild beauty.
The tinnish looking structure is a misplaced ornament of ignorance, a testament to human kind’s auto-immune disorder in the war against itself. It stands in odd, pathetic juxtaposition to the freedom and life of the ocean—or as the Yoruba call her, Yemiya.
The whole affair is a quirky reminder of the inability of humans to grasp the inordinate opportunities of life, on a planet like Earth.
She gives
We take
Somewhere...we lost our way.
Somehow we lost the ability to understand why our walls and borders are outrageous affronts to everything Gaia is, everything she stands for and everything we could be...together...during our brief visit here to the shores, snow-capped mountains, sweet lush rarified airs of a wonderland called Earth...with a Sun that yields enough energy in one afternoon to fuel our world for a hundred years.
Considering the catastrophe known as modern civilization, where materialism, technology and hedonism...inordinate waste and endless wars have been made religion...it’s no wonder Mama Gaia is organizing our walking papers...in the other room drawing up the contracts, organizing us for moving day, when she pushes us off and out.
Doesn’t feel like the first time.
Feels eerily familiar to me as I stand at the edge of the ocean in the swirling tides at the flimsy wall and accept that Yemiya has swallowed us whole before
and she seems just about ready to do it again.
With that thought, that feeling... spooky...I back away from the rich, foamy waters pounding the shore and consider what the builders and supporters of the wall are afrsid of.
I guess it’s mothers and children like the ones captured by the Reuters photographer that zipped through our stratosphere a few weeks back—tear gassed, horrified...running for their lives?
Or is the wall protecting America...Turtle Island...from the group of Interfaith clergy who were driven to their knees by ICE, handcuffed and arrested for praying and singing at this very ocean’s edge...for the rights of the persecuted seeking asylum..they stood here and were arrested here...just a few days ago.
Or maybe it’s the 78-year-old Venezuelan grandmother who awaits her number to pop up in the illegal lottery system governmentally imposed, which has over 6,000 asylum seekers crammed into hastily made shanty-tent villages, while it snails by at 30 or 40 people a day?
Maybe they’re afraid of the over 15,000 children in detention centers, under lock and key, here in US, held by individuals who have not even had background checks and so the children are being sexually assaulted, brutalized as they are held illegally from loving parents and families, who cannot get them back.
Or is it beautiful, precious, innocent Jakelin?
7 years old.
Who since Border rangers and officials destroyed the thousands and thousands of gallons of water that border angels have scattered through the migration trails...for families and children like her, died of
dehydration just the other day.
Why are the builders and supporters of the wall afraid of Jakelin?
Don’t they know that hell is the place where you can’t get a drop of water?
Don’t they know that karma never loses an address?
Yemiya knows.
Yemiya swallows whole. Wall...people...countries...
civilizations and all.
David Bowie sang it best, “This is not America.”
He is right.
It’s Turtle Island and it’s probably time to give it back.
Read more about how you can support the situation at our nation’s borders here.
Towards a better world,
Kelly Curry is CODEPINK’s Local Peace Economy Organizer and can be reached at [email protected].