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Vigil & Leafleting At The Empire State Food Festival

Upper Hudson CODEPINK is joining Women Against War to vigil and leaflet at the Empire State Food Festival, in Albany New York. Women Against War has vigilled and leafletted at this large food festival for many years. The Food Festival, with booths offering food of many cultures, is a popular summer event in the state capital. Located in the center of eight state office buildings, it offers a way to interact with large numbers of state workers and the general public. Vigillers will hold large banners: Ceasefire Now. Arms Feed War Not Children, Diplomacy Not Bombs, and War Is Not the Answer. Leafleters will fan out among the crowds. This event is part of a Women Against War summer project sharing the same message by leafleting at multiple area food markets.




Empire State Plaza
100 S Mall Arterial Albany NY 12242, zoom, NY 12242, United States,

Google map and directions


Amanda ·

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