Join us for a conversation with Ann Wright, a former Army Colonel and State Department diplomat who resigned in opposition to the Iraq war and has been an influential spokesperson for the international anti-war movement. Ann lives in Hawai`i, has been a speaker on numerous international webinars and has written many articles on the growing danger of a U.S. war with China, and the part RIMPAC plays. She is also an organizer for the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza and will give a short report on future plans for the flotilla before beginning her talk.
There will be time for questions and discussion following her talk. Bring a dish to share at the potluck at 6pm if you’re able but don’t let it keep you away if you aren’t. The program begins at 6:45 and will be in the Ross Davis Room at the Church of the Crossroads (1212 University Avenue).
Attention! We are rejuvenating the CODEPINK Hawaii Local Chapter! RSVP to get connected and find more actions in Hawaii!!
Church of the Crossroads
1212 University Ave,
Honolulu, HI 96826,
United States,
World Can’t Wait Hawai’i