Please join CODEPINK Chicago, Medea, Jodie, Pat, and Tighe to a gathering to build community, report on what was learned at the People's Summit, and discuss CODEPINK's campaigns to stop the weapons sale to Saudi Arabia and the #No54BillionForWar.
WHEN: Sunday, June 11, 6:00pm to 7:30pm
WHERE: Uri-Eichen Gallery, 2101 S. Halsted, Chicago
RSVP here
In solidarity,
Jodie, Medea, Pat, Tighe and CODEPINK Chicago
P.S.: Join the coalition to say #No54BillionForWar!
Print, post, and share these posters- because we say #Not1More detention or deportation and #nobannowall. Immigrants and refugees are #heretostay. Learn more about how to support vulnerable communities during these times at our No Ban No Wall resource page.