1. Throw a House Party
- Create an event at home focused on a local or national campaign.
- Invite a speaker, musician, or poet to perform and present.
- Provide light refreshments or call for a potluck.
- Send an invitation to everyone in your network, and ask people to forward it widely. Facebook event pages are successful at getting people to attend.
- Ask for a minimum donation. Make a pitch for donations at your house party.
- Explain what this donation will fund.
- Email thanks to all of those who donated!
2. Sell merchandise
- Buy CODEPINK merchandise at wholesale cost from the CODEPINK store.
- Have small merchandise with you when you go to events/actions, even if you are not tabling. Keep a few buttons in your pocket, and ask for a $1 or $2 donation.
- Set up a table or be a roving merchant at local protests, a local farmers' market or other gathering spot in your community.
3. Ask friends/colleagues/sympathizers
- Draft a letter/email outlining why your CODEPINK needs funding. Be specific, like stating how much it costs to purchase the desired amount of flyers, poster board, or other needs.
- Make phone calls asking for donations. If funding needs are high, you may want to organize a call night with the members of your group.
4. Raffle (a beautiful pink slip, for example)
- Ask a local clothing, art, or florist shop to make a donation of a preferably pink item to your group.
- Create raffle tickets and sell them.
- Raffle the item and make sure to get it to the winner! You may want to have a party, encouraging people to buy tickets throughout the evening. Make the presentations at the end of the party.
5. Have a bake sale - make it a Peace Pie Party!
- Bring your members together, bake and sell!
- Bake a pie from our Peace Pie cookbook, available for purchase in the CODEPINK store
- Offer a pitcher of pink lemonade!
6. Hold an event
- Much like a house party, but not in your house!
- Arrange the program. Ask speakers, poets, musicians, dancers, etc.
- Find a venue, preferably for free. Ask local restaurant owners, local libraries, churches, and schools.
- Advertise widely via listserv postings, online calendars, facebook, flyers, word of mouth, and radio announcements.
- Enjoy the event and collect money at the door and/or during a special pitch toward the end of the event.
7. Pass the hat or bucket at other events - with permission
- Church groups, social clubs, and other organizations may be interested in allowing you to collect donations on an evening of their meeting or during another event.
8. Ask local businesses or organizations
- Ask small business owners for gifts-in-kind (i.e. printing services, pink thrift store items, fake blood, etc.)
- Find businesses that will sell CODEPINK merchandise.
9. Write grant proposals to local/regional foundations
- See www.foundationcenter.org for more information