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Freedom for Julian Assange!

The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has ruled that Wikileaks whistleblower Julian Assange has had his rights violated by the governments of Sweden and the United Kingdom. Assange has been living in 300 square foot living quarters inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London since June 2012 in order to avoid arrest and extradition to Sweden.He is also under threat of extradition to the United States, where he could potentially face politically-motivated charges for his involvement in Wikileaks, including the death penalty.

We, the undersigned, call on United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch to ensure that the Department of Justice will not pursue extradition or press charges against Julian Assange. The current situation cannot continue indefinitely and the United Nations’ recent declaration makes it clear that Assange deserves to be able to leave the Ecuadorian embassy without fearing that he is putting his life at risk.

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  • Kathleen signed 355 days ago

  • Paolo signed 780 days ago

  • Elena signed 1160 days ago

  • Deborah signed 1336 days ago