Dear {{ recipient.first_name_or_friend }},
CODEPINK and World BEYOND War are teaming up to urge David Miliband, CEO of the International Rescue Committee (IRC) to rescind its John C. Whitehead Humanitarian Award to BlackRock CEO Laurence D. Fink.
The IRC is known throughout the globe for its outstanding support to migrants and refugees; however, the humanitarian organization is currently dead set on honoring war profiteer Larry Fink at its November Rescue Gala in New York City.
The two leading contributors to the current global refugee crisis are climate change and war. Under Larry Fink’s watch, BlackRock maintains significant stakes in weapons companies such as General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon. Fink’s BlackRock props up weapons manufacturers, undermining diplomacy between countries and preventing the proper compassionate care of refugees and internally displaced persons.
Weapons manufacturer General Dynamics is a prime example of a company making a big profit from incarcerated migrant children at U.S. detention camps. These companies do not promote a humane and compassionate world, which is why we have been calling on BlackRock to divest its assets from weapons and warfare.
It is through the work of the IRC that refugees are able to gain a foothold in their host countries. Honoring Mr. Fink with a humanitarian award directly contradicts the mission and vision of the International Rescue Committee.
Tell David Miliband not to honor anyone who is making a killing on killing.
For a better world for migrants and refugees,
Nancy Mancias, CODEPINK
Great Zarro, World BEYOND War