Tell Congress: Lift the travel restrictions, take Cuba off the terrorist list, and return Gitmo!
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February 5, 2015
Dear Activist,
Did you know that this Sunday, February 8, CODEPINK is taking a delegation of 150 people to Cuba? We’re thrilled to be making this historic trip to commemorate the thawing of relations between our countries, but some members of Congress are trying to roll back this opening.
Tell Congress that you support the President’s effort to improve US-Cuba relations, and you’d like them to go even further by lifting all travel restrictions, take Cuba off the terrorist, and return Guantanamo naval base to the Cuban people.
While President Obama has already eased the travel restrictions somewhat, it is still illegal to go to Cuba as a tourist. Only Congress can lift all the travel restrictions!
And despite this long-awaited meltdown of US policies, a portion of the Cold War edifice remains intact: Cuba is still on the US state sponsors of terrorism list. Of the world's 196 countries, only four are included: Iran, Sudan, Syria... and Cuba. Cuba has actually refused to give sanctuary to terrorists and has signed onto all UN-sanctioned anti-terrorism treaties!
The Cuban government has made the return of the Guantanamo Bay naval base as one of the conditions for fully normalized relations. The US has been holding this base since 1903, against the will of the Cuban people. The US should close the prison and return the base to Cuba!
The CODEPINK delegation to Cuba will include leaders from Ferguson and the peace movement, professors, journalists, and more. The group will have high-level meetings with government officials, visitmembers of the Cuban 5 who were recently released from US prison, talk to doctors who help Ebola patients in Africa, and interact with local people about cultural, economic, environmental and health issues. We’ll provide daily updates on our Pink Tankwhile we’re there!
We’re excited to see the Obama administration trying the diplomatic route. Let’s make sure Congress follows suit!
With neighborly love,
Alli, Anna, Janet, Jodie, Katie, Kristin, Medea, Nalini, Nancy, Nathan, Sergei, Sophia and Tighe