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SHUT DOWN CREECH: National Mobilization to Nonviolently Resist Killer Drones

Peaceful, Nonviolent Resistance:  SDC Spring Action, 2022

Mark your calendars and please join us for all or part of this year's national mobilization to Shut Down Creech!

Fall Action: October 15 - 22, 2022 (Saturday through Saturday)
Sponsored by: CODEPINK, Veterans For Peace & Ban Killer Drones
There are Shut Down Creech Travel Stipends! Want to come to Shut Down Creech, but can't afford the traveling costs? Please email Denise Hingle, preferably by Sept. 20: [email protected]. Put "SDC Travel Stipend" in the subject heading of the email.

Shut Down Creech is a community of like-minded people from across the United States who adamantly oppose the practice of remote-controlled killing, known otherwise as "targeted assassination" or "drone warfare."  We call ourselves "Creechers" and we gather twice a year, in spring and fall, in the beautiful Nevada desert to coordinate a week of nonviolent resistance to the illegal, brutal and very racist U.S. Drone Program.  

 Our focus: Creech Air Force Base, a key killer drone control base an hour north of Las Vegas, where our military, directed secretly by CIA officials, execute extrajudicial killings of human beings in countries thousands of miles away, killing people who pose no imminent threat to U.S. citizens. Shockingly, the vast majority of victims are not the "intended targets" and many are unarmed civilians, including women and children, and primarily people of color.

Again, make sure to register here!

COVID update: Although the Covid pandemic is waning, our fall action will be primarily an outdoor event, with mostly tent/car camping, to minimize risks. Our COVID guidelines will be revised as the event draws nearer. A limited number of beds are available for those most in need. Early reservations advised.




Creech AFB, Nevada


Toby Blomé ·

Can we count you in?


Who's RSVPing

  • Dawn signed 847 days ago

  • Paul signed 847 days ago

  • Shea signed 853 days ago