Action #1: Capitol Calling Party: 202-224-3121 (ask for your senator)
Calling Script: “Hi, my name is __________ and I am your constituent in zip code ____________. Please co-sponsor and vote for S.653, the Freedom to Export to Cuba Act, because it would eliminate legal barriers preventing the US from doing business in Cuba. It would also boost US exports and allow Cubans greater access to US goods.”
Links of interest:
- S. 653 Freedom to Export to Cuba Act: https://bit.ly/42mCHnL
- Venezuela's President Rejects US Decision on Citgo Oil Company: https://bit.ly/3p43O8N
- Livestream from CODEPINK'S Latin America & Caribbean Policy Forum: Burying the Monroe Doctrine, keynote speaker: Juan Gonzalez: https://bit.ly/42gT3Ov & journalist Nick Estes: bit.ly/3p1JTr0
- Belly of the Beast by Liz Fernandez: https://www.bellyofthebeastcuba.com/
- Join our next CPC meeting on May 16! RSVP here: https://www.codepink.org/05162023
- Join our Google Group: https://bit.ly/CPCongressGoogleGroup
Become a CPC liaison: https://bit.ly/CPCongressLiaison