Action #1: Petition to Defund the F-35 https://www.codepink.org/groundthef35
Action #2: Petition to tell Politico to report on intersection b/w climate change & militarism https://www.codepink.org/politicopentagon
Action #3: Call Capitol Hill at (202) 224-3121
- Calling Script: Hello. My name is ________ and I'm your constituent in zip code _______. Please announce that you are voting NO on President Biden's $842 billion dollar military budget for 2024. This outrageous budget proposal includes $9 billion for the "Pacific Deterrence Initiative" to prepare for war with China and almost $40 billion for nuclear rearmament. Say NO to Biden's military budget.
Links of interest:
- Live Stream of DC Anti War Rally 03/18/23: https://bit.ly/3Z6nghe
- Iraq and 15 Lessons We Never Learned: http://bit.ly/40quduQ
- The Not-So-Winding Road from Iraq to Ukraine: https://bit.ly/3FEZEJT
- CODEPINK Radio: The Peace Movement At Home and Abroad: http://bit.ly/40nAvLJ
- Join our next CPC meeting on April 4! RSVP here: https://www.codepink.org/04042023
- Join our Google Group: https://bit.ly/CPCongressGoogleGroup
Become a CPC liaison: https://bit.ly/CPCongressLiaison