As a CODEPINK NYC Organizer who will be focusing on the Divest from the War Machine campaign, I am excited to continue building a more just and a safer world for everyone with all of you. A place where our will and hard work, of tax paying dollars that is, are well respected!
In this time of chaos and uncertainty we are keeping physical distance but let us socially engage so I can learn what issues we need to engage with in NYC, what ones you are leading on, how we use our platforms to stay informed and effective. Join me on zoom Sunday March 22, 4pm. rsvp here for zoom link.
- Yousef
March 22nd, Zoom call on CODEPINK Line 4pm est hosted by Yousef Zakaria our new CODEPINK NYC coordinator and Jodie Evans Co-founder. How to cultivate peace and be engaged in the time of coronavirus. A time to meet Yousef and talk about what we can be doing in NYC.
Click this link on your computer or phone to join us:
Yousef Zakaria ·