Monday August 26 @ 8PM ET
TOPIC: Palestine, Repression, & Looking Ahead
Course Description and Key Takeaways: Survey the state of the opposition we face as a movement for peace, justice, and liberation in Palestine. Close out Gaza Summer School by reflecting with classmates on what you’ve accomplished and looking ahead!
Course leader: Rania Salem
Born and raised in Chicago, Rania Salem is a Palestinian woman from Dheisheh refugee camp in Palestine. Her family is originally from a village called Jrash that was ethnically cleansed in 1948 then her family was internally displaced to Dheisheh refugee camp in Bethlehem. Rania is an active poet, a program coordinator with the IL Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee rights, and a community organizer with the U.S Palestinian Community Network.
-30 min on Palestine, Repression, & Looking Ahead
-GAZA SUMMER SCHOOL GRADUATION: Member report backs and more