Join CODEPINK's call for Assange's freedom! We will gather outside of the Department of Justice demanding to free Assange with CODEPINK co-founders Jodie Evans and Medea Benjamin and the Ice Cream Man, Ben Cohen.
Julian Assange’s only “crime” is that of exposing crimes the U.S. government hoped to keep the world from knowing.
Founded in 2006 by Julian Assange, Wikileaks offers journalist and others an anonymous, secure online submission system to reveal war crimes, the inner workings of governments, human rights abuses, corporate crimes, and much more. It is one of the most important tools for journalists and whistleblowers, Assange has been one of the most important figures protecting the right to freedom of speech and press.
Thanks to Julian Assange:
- WikiLeaks exposed the CIA rendition program, which allowed rendition victims to win compensation in the European Court of Human Rights.
- WikiLeaks exposed detainee abuse at Guantanamo Bay.
- WikiLeaks documents have informed the public about U.S. war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and more.
- WikiLeaks documents have released tens of thousands of articles and academic papers.
- WikiLeaks releases have been used in numerous court cases where human rights defenders have been on trial.
Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave NW,
Washington, DC , DC 20530,
United States,
Olivia ·