Saying Yes When You’re Feeling No?
Dr. Gabor Mate teaches that when we say yes when we really mean no it hurts our nervous systems, our brains, our bodies and our communities. We can be concerned about being safe, liked, productive, and as someone who can “really get things done,” so much so that we say “yes” without even thinking about it.
Our collusion with the war economy’s repression of the power of “NO” contributes to some of the most serious diseases imaginable. It is part of the extracting practices of the war economy, we are trained to give more than might be healthy for us, our relationships and communities.
Today think about the times you said yes but felt no. Also, think of times you have taken a yes but knew the other person was past their capacities. What were you looking for in the yes? What are the consequences of No? How do these choices close our hearts from each other and exhaust us?
Think about how we grow health and peace filled communities. Not extracting more from ourselves, each other and the planet is a healthy and peace-filled path.
💖 Love and Respect,
Jodie & Kelly
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