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[Glasgow] COP26 Peace/Anti-War Meet and Greet

Join CODEPINK At COP26 Peace/Anti-War Meet and Greet

Join CODEPINK, World BEYOND War, Stop the War UK, and other anti-war/peace groups for an informal meet and greet after the Youth strike march and before the 6th of November Global Day of Action. This is an opportunity to learn about plans for the week and discuss what has already happened. It's also a time to meet local and international peace/anti-war campaigners and organizers. Meet up at The Counting House, 2 St. Vincent Pl, across from George Square. Dress warmly.

Addressing the climate crisis is one of the most critical challenges of our time. We know that militarism and the climate crisis are deeply intertwined. But world leaders continue to neglect this fact year after year when discussing climate change solutions. We are asking COP26 leadership to set strict greenhouse gas emissions limits that make no exception for militarism. Militaries are the world's largest consumer of oil and cause more greenhouse gas pollution.

Contact Nancy Mancias - nancymancias@codepink - with any questions!





The Counting House
2 St Vincent Pl, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom G1 2DH, United Kingdom,

Google map and directions


Nancy Mancias ·

Can we count you in?


Who's RSVPing

  • Justina signed 1209 days ago