Tell Congress: Peace Now! No More Weapons to Ukraine!

On October 4, CODEPINK and the Peace in Ukraine coalition will deliver this petition to every member of the Senate Foreign Relations committee. We have one month to collect as many signatures as possible! Sign below and send this to 5 of your friends!

We, the undersigned, call on every member of the United States Congress to vote NO  on new weapons for the Russia-Ukraine-NATO war. President Biden’s latest request for another $24 billion –most of that for weapons and military training – will put the cost of this war at nearly $140 billion for US taxpayers, most of whom live paycheck to paycheck, struggling to make ends meet. There is no military solution to this war, only heartache as the U.S. escalates a proxy war between Russia and the United States, the two most nuclear armed nations.

We need Congress to support a mutual ceasefire and diplomatic resolution that addresses the security concerns of all stakeholders–not more weapons to throw gasoline on the fire and risk nuclear war.

A new CNN poll reveals 55% of Americans oppose spending more money to continue the war in Ukraine. The answer is not more cluster munitions, depleted uranium shells, long range fighter jets or nuclear-capable F-16s. More weapons will only line the coffers of weapons manufacturers in the U.S., while pushing the world to the precipice of World War III. To stop the killing and bring this war to an end, we urge you to vote NO on   future Ukraine war funding requests and take a public stand in support of a ceasefire and peace talks.

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