Petaluma, CA: Karen Nyhus is an organizational consultant and a longtime activist. She organized the Sonoma County group of CODEPINK in 2014.
Members engage in work as Racial Justice Allies (www.racialjusticeallies.org, local affiliate of Showing Up for Racial Justice); attend the monthly Golden Gate Bridge walks for peace from the north side; participate in the county coalition against law enforcement brutality; help shut down Creech Air Force Base from which killer drones are piloted; lobby our local elected officials on matters of war, peace and justice; organize speakers; table at festivals; show up for allies' events, and more.
CP Sonoma County members have met in Petaluma and Santa Rosa as they come from across our large county. Most of the active members are also in other allied peace and social justice groups. For example, Karen is shown here playing in the Hubbub Club, a county community marching band that plays political marches, rallies, demonstrations and festivals.