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Fire Drill Friday: Kickoff with Jane Fonda, Medea Benjamin, Naomi Klein, Annie Leonard & DC Youth Climate Strikers!

Inspired by urgent action needed to address climate change, Jane Fonda is upending her life and spending 4 months in Washington D.C. this fall. Every Friday she's there will be "Fire Drill Friday" to bring urgent attention to important intersectional analysis around Climate Change. 

Funding endless war is an existential threat to human life and one of the leading causes of climate change, which is why it’s urgent that we come together in Washington D.C. and make the connection between U.S. militarism and climate change.

Jane Fonda, Naomi Klein, Medea Benjamin, Anne Leonard & DC Youth Climate Strikers will kickoff Fire Drill Fridays with an act of civil disobedience. 

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Learn more about Fire Drill Fridays Here

Buy your CP Fire Drill Shirt Here!





United Methodist Building on Capitol Hill, just across from the U.S. Capitol Building
100 Maryland Ave NE, Washington D.C., DC 20002, United States,

Google map and directions


Raegan ·

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