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Medea Benjamin on Ukraine: New Book and Speaking Tour


👉 Buy the Book here!  |👇 Book Tour Schedule (see below)

Organize a Talk with Medea! 

Medea is traveling around the country for the next few months on a book tour. This is a great opportunity for you to invite Medea to your community and organize an event! Check out the following resources to help you get organized: 

Downloadable tools and resources for event organizers!

Sample Book Talk Titles:

  • War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict
  • Untangling the Web of War in Ukraine
  • The War in Ukraine: What is the solution?

Screen the Book Video!

Host a CEASEFIRE Talk & Screening of Medea’s New Book Video! Access the video and discussion guide now! 

Past Events 

View a list of Medea's past book events here!