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Stop the Threat of War with North Korea

Add your name to the Women Cross the DMZ Open letter to the Trump administration

President Donald Trump
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
Secretary of Defense James Mattis
H.R. McMaster, National Security Council

April 26, 2017

Dear President Trump:

We are women leaders from over 40 countries, including the Republic of Korea (ROK) and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), and many from nations that fought in the Korean War. We are from academia, business,
civil society and the military, and represent a diversity of ethnicities, nationalities, religions, and political views. We are united by our belief that diplomacy is the only way to resolve the nuclear crisis and threat of war now facing the Korean peninsula.

On July 27, 1953, leaders from the United States, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and China signed the Armistice Agreement to halt the Korean War. They promised to re-convene within three months to replace the ceasefire with a binding peace agreement. This never occurred and an entrenched state of war has ever since defined inter-Korean and U.S.-D.P.R.K. relations. This war must end.

Korea is the only nation to remain divided as a result of WWII. For three generations, millions of families have been separated by the world’s most militarized border. We urge you to do the following to avert war in Korea and bring about a long-desired peace on the peninsula:

1. Negotiate a freeze of North Korea’s nuclear and long-range ballistic program in exchange for a U.S. security guarantee that would include suspending U.S.-South Korea military exercises.

2. Initiate a peace process with North Korea, South Korea and China to replace the 1953 Armistice Agreement with a binding peace treaty to end the Korean War. Women must be significantly represented in the peace process in accordance with the spirit of UNSCR 1325.

3. Support citizen diplomacy to heal the legacies of the Korean War by establishing a liaison office in Washington and Pyongyang to facilitate retrieval of U.S. Korean War servicemen’s remains and Korean-American family reunions.

Since 1950, the Korean peninsula has been threatened with nuclear weapons, missile tests, and military exercises that have only served to make 75 million Korean people less secure. In the United States and on both sides of the Korean De-Militarized Zone, the absence of a binding peace accord fuels fear and economic deprivation caused by diverting public resources in preparation for war, including deploying the controversial THAAD missile defense system in South Korea. This endless militarization must stop.

Peace is the most powerful deterrent of all. We urge you to take steps now to help formally end the Korean War with a peace treaty. Doing so would lead to greater peace and security for the Korean peninsula and region and halt the proliferation of nuclear weapons. We look to you to accomplish what successive U.S. Presidents have failed to do for seven decades: establish peace on the Korean peninsula.

Sincerely Yours,

International Women’s Organizations
Church Women United
International Women’s Network Against Militarism
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, UK Section
North Korean Women’s Organization
Korea Socialist Women’s Union

South Korean Women’s and Peace Organizations
1. Women Making Peace (평화여성회)
2. Korea Women’s Association United (한국여성단체연합/7개 지부, 30개 회원단체)
3. Korean Association of Women Theologians (한국여신학자협의회)
4. The Council of Churches in Korea, Women’s Committee (한국기독교교회협의회 여성위원회)
5. The Association of Major Superiors of Women Religious in Korea (한국천주교여자수도회 장상연합회) P.O. Box 4025, San Francisco, CA 94140-0250 [email protected]
6. The Righteous People for Korean Unification (새로운 백년을 여는 통일의병)
7. The Gongju Women Human Rights Center (공주 여성인권)
8. The World Council of Churches (세계교회협의회)
9. The Christian Network for Peace and Unification (평화와통일을위한기독인연대)
10. beyondit (너머서)
11. Okedongmu Children in Korea (어린이 어깨동무)
12. Women History Forum (여성역사포럼)
13. Peace Mother (평화어머니회)
14. Kyunggi Women’s Association United (경기여성연합)
15. Kyunggi Goyang-Paju Women Link (경기 고양파주 민우회)
16. Kyunggi Women’s Network (경기여성네트워크)
17. The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan (한국정신대문제대책협의회)
18. Korea Women’s Political Solidarity (여세연)
19. Korean Sharing Movement (우리민족서로돕기운동)
20. People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (참여연대)
21. Iftopia (문화세상 이프토피아)
22. Ewha Women’s Alumni Meeting for Democracy (이화민주동우회)
23. Kyunggi Jinbo Women United (경기여성자주연대)
24. Kyunggi Council of Women (경기여성단체협의회)
25. Chungchung-namdo Education Center for Equality (충청남도 성평등교육문화센타)
26. 21st Century Seoul Women’s Union (21세기 서울여성회)
27. Common Nourishing and Education (공동육아와 공동체 교육)
28. Ecumenical Youth Network (에큐메니칼 청년 네트워크)
29. Women Ministers Association of Presbyterian Churches Korea (대한예수교장로회 전국여교역자연합회)
30. Women Ministers’ Association of Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea
31. Korea Association Methodist Women in Ministry (기독교대한감리회 여교역자회)
32. Korea Methodist Women’s Leadership Institute (감리교여성지도력개발원)
33. Korea Church Women United (한국교회여성연합회)
34. Duraebang (두레방)
35. Sunlit Sisters’ Center (햇살사회복지회)
36. United for Women’s Rights Against US Military Bases’ Crime (기지촌여성인권연대)
37. United Voice for the Eradication of Prostitution: Hansori (성매매근절을위한 한소리회)

Women Cross DMZ is an organization led by women working globally for peace in Korea. In May 2015, on the 70th anniversary of the division of Korea, Women Cross DMZ led a historic women’s peace walk across the De-Militarized Zone from North to South Korea to draw global attention to the urgent need to end the Korean War with a peace treaty, reunite divided families, and ensure women’s leadership in peace building. Representing 15 countries, our 30-member international delegation walked with 10,000 Korean women on both sides of the DMZ.

Their mission is to: 1.) Promote women’s leadership in the peace building process in Korea; 2.) Raise awareness about the urgent need for peace in Korea; and 3.) Expand and deepen relationships with women leaders and organizations in South Korea, North Korea, and around the world.

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