Media: Stop the War Mongering!

Media: Stop the War Mongering!

We are asking the media to stop the war mongering and to start lessening tensions with China. Add your signature to this letter and urge the media and journalists to stop hate towards China.

Dear Editorial Staff (Washington Post/New York Times),

This week, we are remembering the 75th anniversary of the gruesome and deadly bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing hundreds of thousands and traumatizing the world. Little known are the over one million who have died from nuclear weapons testing and the devastating to the planet those tests have been. Given this reminder of what comes from nuclear weapons and a nuclear arms race we are deeply disturbed that you are helping to spread lies and hate towards China. China is not our enemy.  

Covid-19, a global pandemic, is taking a growing number of lives each day. Heatwaves, hurricanes and melting ice caps continue to reveal the expanding climate chaos.  The world needs to come together right now and find ways to address the needs of people globally.

We are deeply distressed by the incomplete coverage and stories being published, which have resulted in an with the resulting increase in hate towards China. We need to all be working together to address the issues at hand. Instead of cultivating hate that will lead us to another cold war which diverts more money from the needs of the people to another arms race that takes us to the brink of another global trauma or worse.  

We urge you, as respected journalists, to do better.  There is much more that connects us than divides us. Check out the recent Harvard report, you are dumbing down your readers with your coverage of China and that doesn’t serve anyone but the warmongers.  You did this around the war in Iraq.  Stop. Are you ready to be responsible for another war? The consequences of which are unfathomable?

Be journalists, not just stenographers for the ruling elite.  The people need better, they deserve better for the survival of all of us on planet earth.

We do not want another Iraq. We want Peace!

Onward to a healthy world,

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