With deep pride in the music and art that are the fabric of Cuban culture, these musicians in Caimanera, a small town right next to the U.S. military base in Guantanamo, played their hearts out for a visiting international delegation on instruments that were often 100 years old or more!
CODEPINK and members of the Cuban Peace Council would like to help them purchase some new band instruments and music stands! While our government has, for over 100 years, occupied this beautiful Cuban port and used the land to build an infamous prison, we can show the positive side of the American people by calling for Musical Instruments, Not Military Bases.
Would you please make a people-to-people donation in any amount using the form below? This is a symbolic yet meaningful way to show your disgust for the Guantanamo prison and the U.S. naval base on Cuban soil, and your desire to be friends with the Cuban people. All gifts will be passed on to the local musicians union. Thank you!