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Local Peace Economy 4 Positions: 1 Program Manager + 3 Program Area Experts

Many people know that things are not working and ask: “What do I do?” We are creating a web resource that exists to support people who want to divest from the war economy and to invest in their local peace economy. We are building a team of 4 people who will work together with Jodie Evans, co-founder of CODEPINK and advisors to co-create an online resource over the next year. 

  • Salary: full time at $60k plus benefits
  • Start date: anytime
  • Apply: see below 

The web resource follows an arc that supports people asking “What do I do?” with tools, resources, and places to go. The arc is not linear, but can be summarized as: 

(1) RECOGNIZE the War Economy and making a commitment to Divest, 

(2) TRANSFORM and grieve as you let go,

(3) PRACTICE by engaging locally. 

We are looking to hire 1 Program Manager and 3 Program Area Experts who have a deep commitment to this work (Regenerative Economics / Solidarity Economy / Community Economic Development / Localism / Socialism / Cooperative Economics) and who wish to work together with Jodie Evans for a year, full time, to populate a Local Peace Economy web resource that includes: 

  1. tools, practices and resources of Recognizing and Divesting from War Economy habits; 
  2. tools, practices and resources of as they transform (a Grief Doula); 
  3. deep connection to hyperlocal groups looking for additional members, participants, and volunteers in Local Peace Economies such as community gardens, mutual aid, cooperatives, and timebanks.

Does this sound like you?

If so, read below and send us a link to your socials/website/LinkedIn as well as the reasons you are a good fit for the Program Coordinator or one of the Program Expert (Recognize, Transform, Practice) positions.

Apply to Jodie Evans: [email protected]

1. Program Coordination

We are looking for someone grounded in at least 2 years of cultivating your Local Peace Economy / Regenerative Economics / Solidarity Economy / Community Economic Development / Localism / Socialism / Cooperative Economics who loves logistics and assisting a team with connections and holding the container as it grows in needs and next steps. Your work includes communicating with advisory teams for each area (Regoconie, Grieve, Practice), keeping the team connected and needs met.  Supporting webinars and teaching sessions and posts on social media.  You are in deep desire to support the new world arising and want to invest your logistics skills in nurturing it.  

2. Program area: RECOGNIZE (divesting from the war economy practices)

This position is for someone who can help people identify the War Economy in their life and actively make a Commitment to Divest from the War Economy. You might be an anti-war activist, popular educator, a teacher, an artist, and/or a researcher or strategist. You will be sifting through seven years of research and distilling this information into a nine month journey with practices that other people can follow to divest from war. The desire is to build this into a 9 month practice woven in with the healing while engaging in the cultivation of the future. You will work collaboratively with the team to ensure that the healing and practice areas of the web resource are connected to the work of Divesting from War.

Why is this position important? It has become abundantly clear that the war economy is killing us, our communities, and the planet.  We need to turn our backs on it and practice our way out of the culture we are steeped in to cultivate a peace economy.  We are looking for someone who is part of this transition and living with a community committed to the transformation who has experience working in the field of addiction.  We see the habits of the war economy needing the same practices to break free and embrace the practices of the peace economy.  The practices that have been rooted in and core to Indigenous communities globally.  The war economy relies on us feeling scarcity instead of abundance and alienation instead of connectivity.  It forces us to be transacional instead of relational and self directed instead of community engaged.  It says we thrive on competition instead of interdependence and co-creation. It drowns our creativity in doing and a rat race and destroys our relationship to wonder. To pivot to cultivating a peace economy we need to break free of these habits. 

3. Program area: TRANSFORM (engage in politicized healing and grieving)

This position is for someone who loves to connect people who seek healing and transformation to politicized healing resources. You are deeply connected to national and regional healing networks such as Generative Somatics / Emergent Strategy Ideation Institute / End of Life & Death Doulas / Addiction Recovery communities. On a daily basis, you will be in dialogue with healers and transformation coaches, mentors, and guides to ensure that the Local Peace Economy web resource is accountable to them, interoperable with existing efforts, and made with community-safety as a priority. You will populate the online resource in dialog with a contract web developer and maintain it. You will work with the team as well as a contract web developer to create the online resource. 

Why is this position important? The process of transformation from the structures of violence to the containers that are life giving and enhancing will include loss and the revealing of pains hidden by the doing, demanding, dead world.  We are looking for someone who has been offering politicized healing for at least 2 years. Who sees the needs and has familiarity of the breadth of the world of healing and grief support that is expanding to meet all the needs of grief and healing right now. You will be creating and sharing practices and tools for those who are in the process of transformation (Divesting from War and investing in Peace) to where they could access these communities. This tool is in support of those who are divesting themselves and working to create the future where life can thrive.  

4. Program area: PRACTICE (connect to a hyperlocal group in your area)

This position is for someone who loves to connect people who seek community locally to local opportunities to dive in. This person is deeply connected to hyperlocal projects around the country that are looking for members, volunteers, participants, and financial supporters. On a daily basis, you will be in dialog with organizers of hyperlocal projects to ensure that the Local Peace Economy web resource is accountable to them, interoperable with existing mapping efforts, and made with community-safety as a priority. You will populate the online resource in dialog with a contract web developer and maintain it. You might be a Virgo and/or have a passion for databases, library science, spreadsheets, and mapping. The ideal person will already be engaged in Membership or Directory work with the New Economy Coalition, the US Federation of Worker Cooperatives, US Solidarity Economy Network, the Foundation for Intentional Communities, the Next System Project, Highlander, Cooperation Humboldt, the Center for Economic Democracy, or another national or regional effort to connect practices and projects that identify with Local Peace Economy / Regenerative Economics / Solidarity Economy / Community Economic Development / Localism / Socialism / Cooperative Economics. You will work with the team as well as a contract web developer to create the online resource. 

Why is this position important? Many practitioners locally are seeking people with enthusiasm, time, labor, and/or financial resources to deepen their work locally. Many funders are seeking local examples to support with money. Many people are seeking inspiration to understand that another economy is not only possible -- it already exists, and can be cultivated and strengthened, with intention.