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Hold CNN Accountable for Enabling Genocide!

Israel is entering the third month of its genocidal campaign, having murdered over 19,000 people in Gaza, with nearly half of them being children, injuring over 51,000, and leaving thousands more missing under the rubble, unable to be saved while the carpet bombing continues. For 69 days straight, the people of the world have risen in a moment of unprecedented mobilization to end Israel’s attack on Gaza. However, we have yet to see adequate reporting on protests by outlets that enable Israel like CNN. Instead, organizers across the globe and reporters on the ground in Gaza have taken to social media to broadcast their message.

Sign the petition below to join us in demanding CNN take public accountability for its historic lack of journalistic integrity and calling on them to call Israel’s attack what it really is—genocide. When the petition goal is reached, we will have a coordinated action across the US delivering the petition to local offices, forcing them to hear our message. You can bring your message directly to your local news station!

Dear CNN,

Over 19,000 Palestinians in Gaza, nearly half of them children, have been violently murdered by Israel. Over 51,000 have been injured, and thousands more are missing under the rubble, unable to be saved while the carpet bombing continues. Israel is entering the third month of its genocidal campaign, despite overwhelming opposition expressed by the majority of the world. 

People have risen up globally calling to end Israel’s attack on Gaza, yet CNN has failed to adequately report on these protests. In fact, this media outlet has failed to accurately report on Israel’s bombardment in general, especially when it first began. Instead, CNN chose to spread misinformation. Organizers across the globe and Palestinian journalists on the ground have resorted to social media to broadcast their message because CNN failed them. 

In a livestream from an Israeli settlement miles away from Gaza on October 11, CNN chief international correspondent Clarissa Ward lied about the threat of Hamas rockets on Israel. She reported while laying on the ground, taking cover from a “massive barrage of rockets”, but footage released later shows Ward being the only one laying on the ground, while others directly near her are standing calmly. In 2018, CNN suspended the contract of commentator Marc Lamont Hill following a speech he delivered at the UN which criticized Israel and advocated for Palestinian human rights. 

The fact of the matter is that it’s profitable for CNN to sensationalize the media, and it has done so despite the human cost. CNN’s viewership rose when the attacks first broke out, a trend this outlet regularly enjoys during major international conflicts, including after 9/11 and during the wars in Iraq and Ukraine. CNN has proven that capitalizing off the war industry takes precedence over telling the truth!

CNN has betrayed the journalists of Gaza such as Bisan, Motaz, Plestia, and many others who have taken on the true embodiment of journalism by risking their lives to show the world the truth. We call on you to look to the journalists on the ground in Gaza who are risking their lives so you can do your work properly—but you refuse. 

Not only is it your job to report accurately, but it could save Gaza. Israel has been panicking as it loses hold of its false narrative, mainstream media abandoning Israel’s lies could be the push that stops this genocide. CNN has a unique opportunity to educate millions and prove it is a reliable news source.

We, the undersigned, demand CNN take public accountability for its historic lack of journalistic integrity and call Israel’s attack what it really is—genocide.


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