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Tell the Biden Admin: Stop Escalating in Ukraine! Peace now!

Sign this petition to the Biden White House to support a ceasefire in Ukraine.  Call off the missiles–Call for a diplomatic resolution instead.

To: The Entire Biden Administration 

As peace-loving people, we urge you to support a ceasefire in Ukraine and stop further escalation in the Russia-Ukraine War that has left hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and Russians dead or wounded. 

We ask that you reverse your approval of long-range US missile strikes deep inside Russia. Russia’s leaders–in response to you crossing your own red line on long-range missiles–lowered the threshold for use of nuclear weapons. We also demand you stop sending cluster bombs and landmines that could extend the war decades past it's end date. 

We also ask you to stop endlessly approving weapons and bombs to Ukraine – the world needs less weapons not more of them. 

A lame duck President, if you opt for last minute escalation, you will make it even more difficult for the incoming administration to broker a peaceful settlement. 

Such a settlement could have been brokered a month after the February, 2022, Russian invasion had Western powers not sabotaged the peace deal between Ukraine and Russia. 

According to the polls, 70% of the US public surveyed wants a peaceful settlement that elevates diplomacy to end this unnecessary carnage and expenditure of US taxpayer dollars, now almost $200 billion for the war in Ukraine while urgent needs in the United States are ignored. You must listen to the will of the people. For the sake of the people and the planet, it’s imperative the US reverse course on this omnicidal path, call off the missiles and support an immediate ceasefire.

Diplomacy now!


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