CODEPINK is joining our friend V (formerly Eve Ensler) for 1 Billion Rising Gardens. No better way to engage in the practices of Cultivating a Local Peace Economy than to Plant Seeds of Peace. To nourish life, the planet and peace.
Rising Gardens is a defiant creative call for revival, restoration and transformation. Gardens as a compassionate call for peace and justice – because one of the greatest injustices of our time has been the destruction and eradication of Mother Earth, parallel to the ongoing and escalating gender-based violence.
Ready to
Join us!
Have a garden at home or in your community? Want to start one? Join us to plant seeds of peace. We will offer ideas, tools and webinars to connect you to the community Rising! Fill out this Google Form and Angela will be in touch. We want to post your photos and stories to inspire others. Together we can Rise in Peace and Love!
To make a garden grow is to love.
To keep a community alive is to love.
Create and grow gardens.
Plant Seeds of Peace!
#RiseGardenResist #RisingGardens
Be Inspired!
Listen to our radio show about Planting Seeds for Peace where Jodie Evans is in conversation with Severine von Tscharner Fleming and CODEPINK’s Local Peace Economy Organizer Kelly Curry.
Read the Growing Guide: Victory Gardens for Peace which includes best practices for gardening to achieve greater food security, climate resilience, and healthier more sustainable communities.