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One Billion Rising 2017



During the massive worldwide actions we have witnessed and participated in these past weeks, we are inspired by the power that the masses and solidarity have. We have marched, disrupted, and protested and we will continue as we build the strong connections we need to create a better world. The coming week of February 14, we have the opportunity to rise in solidarity with women around the world and unveil the violence that many groups of women face.

We continue to RISE, LOVE & RESIST! Let's take this energy and direct it locally towards concrete changes we want to see in our communities and cities. Let's rise, love and resist more creatively and politically. Let's Dance more fiercely.


Even though we are a week away, days away, hours away, we can still plan and/or join a great One Billion Rising action. There are many ways you can take action:

1) Join or organize a OBR Action

There will be a variety of actions organized around the week of February 14, 2017, across the globe. Some common action ideas include organizing a walk or march through your town or city, a rally with speakers and dance with a drum circle in your central plaza, a candlelight vigil, a potluck, or a community discussion. Some actions uniqueness will simply be their locations - is there a place to hold your event that is particularly important to your community, or symbolic? Examples include City Hall, Federal Building, Consulate, Embassy, community center, university, local church, mosque, synagogue or national monument.

2) Host a Community Gathering

  • Gather with friends and neighbors. Use this opportunity to discuss and reflect how different groups of women (indigenous, black, immigrant, undocumented, Muslim, trans, homeless, formerly incarcerated) are exploited and how they face violence. Create a statement, write an article, commit to volunteering with women organizations in your community. Make this gathering something recurrent! Let us know you are hosting a community gathering and we can support with ideas and outreach.

3) Take a picture with your message and post it on social media

  • Create a banner with a message to stop the violence and exploitation against women. Gather up as many friends as you can, and take a picture with the banner. Post it on our Facebook and Twitter, using the hashtags #rise4revolution & #1billionrising. Share it with us!

4) Create Art

  • Express your experience as a woman, your solidarity, your power through art. Share it with us on Facebook, Twitter, and/or email!

5) Donate

We RISE against neo-fascism, racist patriarchy, misogyny and sexism.

Rise against rape culture and all those who escalate and normalize it.
Rise against racism, discrimination and inequality.
Rise against neoliberal policies that place profit over people.
Rise against environmental plunder.
Rise to protect Indigenous people, land and water,
Rise against homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, exclusion and hate.
Rise against imperialist wars, occupation, internal and international displacement and militarization.
Rise against fear mongering and division.
Rise against international capitalist and imperialist systems that perpetuate poverty.
Rise against the corporations and the rich making more profit off the backs of people's suffering.
Rise against economic, labor and sexual exploitation.
Rise against human and sex trafficking.
Rise against the violence of poverty, exploitation and marginalization.
Rise for food, land and justice.
Rise for freedom, dignity, equality and respect.
Rise In Solidarity!

We need TO DISRUPT with active and radical defiance!

Disrupt to shake the present global structure characterized by patriarchy and capitalist greed.
Disrupt to show how strong a creative “people power” can be.
Disrupt to keep radicalizing our creative resistance.


Resist with Rage.
Resist with fierce hope.
Resist with unwavering insistence on a future where freedom, equality and dignity is possible.
Resist with collective defiance.
Resist altogether. With and For each other.


We need to CONNECT and expand our political consciousness.
Connect by educating ourselves on all issues.
Connect by uniting in all our struggles and fighting for ALL rights.
Connect by hearing and listening and learning.
Connect by deepening our understanding of issues within the context of race and class analysis.
Connect by joining organizations and mass actions.
Connect by organizing our communities.