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Candidates: Promise You’ll End Killer Drones!

President Obama recently confirmed that there is “no doubt” that “civilians were killed that shouldn't have been” in U.S. drone strikes. Multiple press reports have offered evidence that huge numbers of civilians have been killed by U.S. drone warfare, and a recent leaked military report showed that 90% of those killed by drones were not the intended target.

All of the current major party candidates for President – Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump – support the continued use of drone warfare.

We, the undersigned, call on the Presidential candidates to promise to end drone warfare if they are elected to office. The civilian casualties caused by drone strikes – including the deaths of thousands of innocent children – are simply too high a price to inflict on the world for such limited returns. We ask that any major-party candidate running for office adopt a “ground the drones” policy and promise to end the current U.S. drone strike program once elected.

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